AirTrunk inJapan

Where the cloud meets the ground in Japan.

Japan’s largest independent hyperscale data centres and the home of our Japan headquarters.

AirTrunk operates Japan’s largest and most efficient hyperscale data centres, offering 410+MW of capacity to support our large technology customers.

To power AirTrunk’s continued growth, we’ve created workplaces for our people Grow@Hyperscale.

We’re also on a mission – bringing change to create a better shared future for our local communities

Our Japandata centres

Japan’s largest hyperscale data centres (by megawatts).


Our Workplace& Team

The pace of our industry and the world of data means you’ll feel an electrifying buzz here at AirTrunk.

AirTrunk’s Japan workplaces are certified as a Great Place to Work®

Join the A-Team


  • Tokyo Spring Homeless Patrol

    Donated much-needed food, clothing and other necessities to the homeless in Tokyo.

  • Inzai City Hananooka Park

    Cleaned the banks of the Inzai river near AirTrunk TOK1.

  • Lights on Children

    Funded laptops for orphanages in the greater Tokyo area.

  • Friends of the Kamenari River Association

    Cleaned the woodlands in Inzai to restore the biodiversity of the natural environment.


AirTrunk works with Japanese construction conglomerate, Daiwa House, on AirTrunk’s TOK1 and AirTrunk TOK2. Their local expertise, relationships and strong construction credentials are an asset to the developments.